As someone who uses the internet daily since high school, has used a computer ever since middle school, and has played on several video game consoles ever since elementary school, it's surprising how little I know about technology and the internet. During my time here, I hope to learn more about how computers, the internet, and other aspects of modern technology function, given how integral such technologies are in my lifestyle. I also hope to have a greater understanding of technology in general, such that I can understand the major implications the advancements in said technologies possess. Honestly, I'm more surprised that I don't know this already, given that I plan to major in Information Technology, but having lived for most of my life without any connection to the internet outside of schools and libraries until my Senior year of high school may help to explain that. With no digital connectivity with others for nearly my entire childhood and having a family with little knowledge about technology themselves, there never was a great opportunity to teach myself about these topics, despite my great interest in them. Nevertheless, I'm continuing onward, hoping to expand my knowledge on webpages, digital privacy, the inner workings of computers, and more, in the pursuit towards my major. Maybe this is but my first steps in becoming an expert in the field of technology; regardless of whether or not this is true, I know that these will be a firm foundation for my knowledge about the technological world.
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